Driving and Commuting

Do you need a new vehicle to take the kids to school? Fuel economy ratings for new model-year cars are available in October. You have a choice to buy a vehicle that’s cleaner and more fuel efficient. Learn more by visiting EPA’s Green Vehicle Guide to find the cleanest, most fuel efficient vehicle that meets your needs. Check additional, detailed information about fuel economy at EPA and DOE’s jointly-run Web site at www.fueleconomy.gov.
School = Kids + Buses
Have you ever seen all those school buses lined up in front of school with the engines running? Do your kids and the environment a favor and ask school officials to adopt a no-idling policy. Idling school buses waste fuel and pollute the air. Children are especially sensitive to diesel exhaust, which causes respiratory problems and worsens allergies and asthma. View more information about how to reduce school bus idling.

School buses provide safe and efficient transportation to and from school for 24 million children in the United States. However, our school bus fleet is old, with some buses polluting as much as six times more than new ones on the market today. Fortunately, effective and affordable clean fuels and technologies are now available to reduce pollution from older buses. EPA’s Clean School Bus USA initiative helps school districts take advantage of these opportunities. Talk to your school officials about joining Clean School Bus USA.

International Walk to School
Walking provides plenty of great exercise and also help us save energy. International Walk to School is to rally for safer and improved streets, promote healthier habits, or to conserve the environment. Whatever the reason, walk! and encourage a more walkable world – one community at a time. Visit http://www.iwalktoschool.org/.

(Image provided by Flickr user Twix.)

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