J.K. Daniels Wins the 2015 New Southern Voice Book Prize

Hub City Press is pleased to announce that the winner of the 2nd New Southern Voices Poetry Prize is J.K. Daniels of Falls Church, Va. The prize for her unpublished manuscript, Wedding Pulls, is $1,000 and publication by Hub City Press in summer 2016.

J.K. Daniels’s poems have appeared in Queer South; Best New Poets, 2011; Beltway Poetry Quarterly; Calyx; New Orleans Review (online); The Lavender Review; and others. She has an M.A. and M.F.A. from George Mason University and teaches creative writing and literature at Northern Virginia Community College, where she reads for The Northern Virginia Review.

Her manuscript was selected as the winner of the prize by acclaimed poet C.D. Wright. Who writes of the manuscript:

“Prior to reading this book, I did not know what “wedding pulls” were, and once I learned I would be just as happy if they did not exist. But these poems, they were meant to be here.”

– C.D. Wright