Governor McMaster recently announced that his December 13, 2024, request for a Major Presidential Disaster Declaration to provide federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts following severe November flooding in Bamberg, Calhoun, and Orangeburg Counties has been approved.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved Public Assistance program aid for Bamberg, Calhoun, and Orangeburg Counties. The program provides reimbursement to governmental agencies and certain nonprofits that were affected by the severe storms and flooding of November 6-14, 2024. The assistance can help cover costs for debris removal, emergency protective measures, public buildings and equipment, public utilities, and more. For additional information about FEMA’s Public Assistance program, click here.
The declaration also approves Hazard Mitigation Grant Program assistance, which makes cost-shared funding available to the state for approved projects that reduce or mitigate future disaster risks. Funds under this program will be available to state agencies, local governments, and certain nonprofit organizations only. A wide variety of potential projects are eligible. For more information about FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant program, click here.
The South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) will conduct applicant briefings to inform potential applicants of the assistance available and how to apply. Applicants then file a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) and identify damage that resulted from the disaster. FEMA determines eligibility for reimbursement after state review. SCEMD will manage Public Assistance funds received from FEMA. This includes disbursing the funds to the applicant.
The governor’s request for FEMA Individual Assistance, which provides help to individuals and households, is still under review.
Written by the South Carolina Office of the Governor.