Lighten Up Spartanburg Opens to the Public in October

The Spartanburg Art Museum will install altered six-foot fiberglass sculptures throughout the City of Spartanburg in October.

The project will run concurrently with the Bloomberg Philanthropies-funded project Seeing Spartanburg in a New Light, which also opens to the public in October 2016.

Lighten Up Spartanburg will be comprised of approximately twenty altered bulbs, each of which will be assigned to one local or regional artist, designer, or other creative. In addition to transforming the industrially fabricated light bulbs into works of public art, participating artists will work with SAM’s curatorial staff and the City of Spartanburg to craft interactive experiences for city residents and visitors to supplement their visual contribution to Lighten Up Spartanburg.

The exhibition dates of Lighten Up Spartanburg are March 2017-March 2018. Participating artists will receive a $500 stipend as well as a percentage of the proceeds of the sales of their artwork at a museum-sponsored event in 2018.