Celebrating Unsung Heroes: Nominations Requested

Thu, Sep 17, 2020
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
This event has already occurred.
Ten at the Top--Murray Dorn

This year, Ten at the Top will celebrate Upstate Unsung Heroes during a virtual event on Wednesday, November 18th. We are excited to honor deserving heroes and celebrate their commitment to the communities they serve.

We are asking YOU to nominate someone who has stood out to you or your colleagues during the pandemic as an Unsung Hero. This person has worked tirelessly to ensure their community is taken care of during the pandemic, without seeking praise or recognition. This could be anyone from a healthcare worker, teacher, grocery stocker, sanitation worker, city employee to a truck driver, delivery worker, mail carrier, community volunteer and many more. In addition to their service as an Upstate Unsung Hero, the only requirement for nomination is that the nominee must live or serve their vital community function within one of the following ten counties: Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg or Union.

Everyone nominated will receive recognition as an Upstate Unsung Hero, but a selection committee will choose one special Unsung Hero per county to be honored as part of the November 18th event.

*All nominations must be submitted by Wednesday, October 14th at 5:00 p.m. Honorees will be notified in advance and invited to attend the day-of live streaming event on November 18th from 11:30 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. If you have any questions, please email Murray Dorn at [email protected].