Leadership Spartanburg Application Opportunity

Fri, Sep 25, 2020
This event has already occurred.
OneSpartanburg, Inc.

It’s a great time to live, work and play in Spartanburg, and Leadership Spartanburg gives you a hand in shaping our community’s future.

Is Leadership Spartanburg for you, you ask?

Leadership Spartanburg is for anyone who has looked around our county and felt inspired.

Leadership for anyone who wants to have a lot of fun meeting 40 other interesting, passionate people from all walks of life.

It’s for anyone who has noticed something in our neighborhoods that could be better and wanted to help fix the problem.

Leadership Spartanburg’s approach to community issues is open and honest about the good and the bad. Meetings will challenge you personally and professionally, but challenges are always framed to encourage realistic positive action.

Getting the most out of Leadership Spartanburg requires a long, thoughtful look around as you dig into the program of monthly meetings and experiential small-group learning projects.

The program is a backstage pass to our county – don’t wait to get to yours.